In high school at a size 2, 110 pounds I was the fattest person I knew- in my brain that is. I remember working out at least 5 days a week, eating next to nothing, and still looking in that dreaded mirror and thinking- ugh, I guess this will have to do.... I now look at pictures from that time (early college years) and wonder what in the world was I thinking?! I was almost skin and bones!
After Emily was born, I gained a ton of weight. Metabolism, bad choices, and sitting at a desk all day took a big toll on my body. It was a very unhappy time. I do have pictures- I will NOT show them to you... haha
After 3 children I have been at EVERY side of the weight spectrum. I have been under weight, way over weight, and everything in between. I am at a point in my life where I have (now a size 4/6, 130 pounds) become content with where I am. I would in an ideal world like to loose like 10 pounds and tone up but I am overall content. I have always said that I don't want to be one of those moms that look like they can't lift their babies. I do want to me a mom that can keep up with my babies- and sometimes they are really fast!
I usually run as my workout, I enjoy it. Kiohud bought the Insanity dvds last week so I thought I'd give it a try with him. If I do them as they should be done Kiohud says I can eat anything I want and still maintain or loose weight... I should also get some of the toning I am looking for- amazing what changes occur after 3 kids... :( Anyways, here is how this has gone so far:
Saturday- Sunday I could not walk! I had ran 5 days in a row prior to starting this and I think that was a mistake.
I mustered up some energy and gave it a second try on Sunday- this time it was abs so not quite as hard.
Monday I had a severe allergy day and gave myself the day off.
Tuesday: probably one of the hardest workout's I've ever done. To be honest this workout makes me feel pretty inadequate as a human since I can't do half of the moves! According to Kiohud as long as my heart is pumping and I am sweating nearly to death it will work and maybe eventually I might be able to keep up.
Wednesday: I woke up starving with a huge headache! Kiohud had asked me if I wanted to eat the night before but I wasn't hungry and I hate protein shakes. Apparently you should eat something after you work out because the increase in metabolism drops your blood sugar and you wake up grumpy! I recovered after some breakfast and Aspirin. No workout- I don't have any great excuse.
Today: I am all geared up and ready to work out. I have to admit I am starting to miss my runs. Today I made the decision that I will do Insanity with Kiohud on days that he is home and when he is working I can run.
So that is my new "fit plan" I don't have a "before pic" but in 60 days (that's how long this is supposed to take to make you AMAZING) if I by the grace of God end up with a 6 pack or something crazy like the way this advertises then trust me I'll post pics! :)
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