Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Day In The Life Of Sophia Sandeson

In getting better acquainted, I thought I'd share what actually makes up my day.

 A day in my life is no easy feat- as probably is the case for most mothers. I also have to say that I have a special appreciation to all of you moms that work a "real" job all day. Having done that before, it now seems totally impossible.

6:30- Wake up- ok,  I am lying. I am supposed to wake up at 6:30 I actually do not wake up until about 6:45- and roll frantically out of bed at 6:50. I pride my self on being able to to get dressed in 20 minutes- no that doesn't mean "slap myself together" 20 minutes= hair, makeup, the whole bit.
Emily can get herself dressed and it takes me about 10 minutes for Jacob and Hannah.

7:30- pack up breakfast- get everyone in car.

8:15- Emily arrives at school. We drive across town so the commute is about 30-45 minutes depending on traffic.

8:30- This is the calm point in my day. I usually take the kids to McDonald's or somewhere they can play (mine are the only kids that eat their pre-packaged breakfast). They can play, meet new kids and I can sit and read. Currently, I am reading The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Hanson, I was Broke But Now I'm Not (again) by Joe Sangel and Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson. I have to admit that I am currently looking for a new place to "hang out" because I am finding more and more creepy people here...

11:30 Arrive home. No, I do not hang out for that whole time. I do some shopping or meet with vendors- for the business. Also, during that time I grocery shop or pick up anything else I need for home. Anyways, at 11:30 my work day begins. I open up my computer which is usually located on my kitchen table. I do have a home office but I prefer working where I have a full view to everyone whatever they happen to be getting into. I work until 2:30, keep in mind I am interrupted about 50 times during this period (one of the only things I miss about a real job is being able to work interrupted).

2:30- This varies depending on whether Kiohud is home or not. If he is home, I get to clean and start dinner. Today he is gone so I get to pick up Emily and her carpool buddy and am home at about 4:15. I then get to clean and start dinner. If Kiohud is at work I get to cheat and make something "easy" but if he is home I usually make an actual meal.

4:15 Homework time.  Luckily Emily doesn't get too much homework, although she complains about it as though it were a lot more!

4:30-5- Is usually when dinner is served. Dinner time is one of my favorite times of day.  Dinner time is where we have all finally get to unwind from our day, I have finally put my computer away and the table is no longer my desk. I can enjoy it! I have read numerous statistics of the importance of a normal family dinner so I try to make this our "family time". It is here we get to hear about what went on in school and Jacob gives his "silly faces" to draw attention away from the fact that he doesn't want whatever we are eating- it never works).  I love this time with my family.

6 pm- I get to clean the house- again! If you have children you know that this is a never ending cycle! I clean the house a lot more- but i couldn't include it after every hour! After that if I feel like it I go for a run. (about 3-4 times a week) I usually take Jacob and Hannah in the double stroller and hope that Hannah falls asleep! (usually that is my incentive to run) ha ha

7:00- bath, story, and prayer time.

8:30 Light's out! For the kids anyways. All is peaceful in the Sanderson home! Now, I get to answer any emails I didn't get to and finish up any anything else I didn't do. This is also where I get to sit in my room in total quiet and have my devotional. I love this quiet time. If Kiohud is at work, I will watch the news and then go to sleep and if he is home this is finally where we can talk and usually end the night watching a movie.

That's about a normal day for me assuming there are no other activities the kids are involved in that day. Also, unaccounted for is all the normal things that go on- attempting at potty training, keeping track of our dogs (Roxy a golden retriever and Buttercup our puppy teacup poodle). Welcome to my chaotically , wonderful  life! :)

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