Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Money, Money- EVERYWHERE!

I have had many emails asking if I know any ways to make extra money in this economy. To all of you who are struggling financially or would just like to get ahead I'll tell you- money is everywhere we just need to find it! I know, in this economy that we are going through you may find that hard to believe but there are still ways to make money out there and help your family get ahead!  Here are just a few ways...

1. Check Your Credit Card Statements: Did you sign up for something 3 years ago and never cancel it? Are there any fees you are unaware of? Something as simple as checking your statements can end up saving you some much needed cash!

2: Call Your Billing Companies: Pick up the phone! Your insurance company isn't going to call you to tell you that you qualify for a new deduction! Calling your insurance, credit cards, and other bills may lead you to some newly available discounts!

3. Clean out your closets: Out grow those clothes? Tired of those shoes? Stores like My Sister's Closet, Buffalo Exchange, Once Upon A Child, and Other Mothers will actually pay you for them! Many of these stores also offer payment via store credit so you can buy new things. (I actually just sold some of Hannah's old clothes for over $150!)

4. Yard Sale: Tired of parking your car in the street because your garage is holding all of that stuff that let's face it- you DON'T need? Kill two birds with one stone, get rid of old clutter and hold a good old fashioned yard sale! Let the kids help out by putting out old toys or having a lemonade stand.

5. Search for treasures: See a great deal but it's not for you? It may be for someone else! Deals that are too great to pass up can be a great opportunity at extra cash. Take advantage of that 90% off item and resell on Ebay or Craigslist for a profit.

6. Use Your Talents: Are you an amazing photographer? Do you love to bake? Turn those hobbies into a part time job! Remember the saying- "Do what you love and it will never feel like work"!

7. Part time job: I know you are pressed for time as it is but a part time job maybe enough to get you through this tough time.

8. Start a Blog!: No, I am not making money blogging but there are people who do! I came across this article with some great information on how to get started. http://christianpf.com/how-to-make-money-with-a-blog/

9. Invest: Use that tax refund or bonus to invest in something! You may not yield a profit right away but a smart person invests in his future!

10. Downsize: No need to "keep up with the Jones's"! Downsizing everything from your home to your cable bill can help you save thousands! Live within your means, your wallet (and relationships) will thank you!

Hope these ideas help you prosper! Just remember to think "outside of the box", there is money everywhere you just need to find it! :)

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