Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Little Harvest!

I have always wanted my own garden. I don't mean the little kind- I want the full BIG garden that takes over your entire yard kind of garden! Growing up we had the saddest looking back yard and I always knew "when I grow up" that's one thing I am going to have...

Fast forward 20 years- not so easy! Now I know why my mom gave up on the back yard!
I initially put in my landscaping thinking I will have a flower garden that wraps around the yard. I made this decision so that I could have ample space to plant enough plants, trees, flowers, veggies, basically whatever I wanted in the same space. So I got to work, I planted seeds in any space possible and marked them all.

Well there were some problems with this method of mine...
1. First of all I have a drip system and most of the time I would not tell Kiohud where I had planted what (he makes new drips where ever I need them) so half of what I planted did not get enough water.
 2. Most things were to close together, (I was trying to get them all to share water so we didn't need so many drips) nothing had room to grow.
 3. I was planting things too late in the season.
 4. I did end up with a few things growing in but it was usually that awkward- oh shoot that's not a weed! Did I mention most of my markers would get blown away or eaten by Roxy (my golden retriever)?

 It only took a few of these failures to come to the conclusion that my veggies needed a place of their own! With just a little research I found out that it wasn't hard for Kiohud to do!  Kiohud had it built a few days later and it was time to get started. I went to my local nursery and asked every question I could think of- this time I would not fail!

We planted a few different kinds of veggies- I asked for anything "Sophia proof"! We ended up with lettuce, peas, tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, eggplant and basil. I had the kids plant everything- they LOVE to garden. This also works well because they are most likely to try it if they planted it themselves. :)

A few months later I am happy to report that we have a little harvest! Pictured is a very small portion- we have about 100 tomatoes that will be ripe in a few weeks. I LOVE the ability to send the kids out to the garden to grab basil, cilantro, or peppers for dinner! The best part? Now that I know I have a green thumb we can expand! I am hoping for at least a few beds next season with one dedicated to all herbs and peppers (I have found those the most useful by far).

 So this is how my love of gardening began- one day "God willing" I will be able to perfect this love and get the yard and garden of my dreams but for now I am feeling pretty accomplished that things are living!

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