If you read yesterday's blog than you learned about the horrors of credit card debt. So why does it take so long to pay a credit card? Credit cards work on a type of interest that is revolving- it is compound interest that works against you. Let me explain. Let's say you have a credit card that you owe $5,000 on, and on this credit card you have an annual rate that is 12%. Credit card minimum payments are usually 1% per month so if you only make that 1% payment, in12 months you paid 12%. So guess what ..you didn't actually pay 1 cent on the balance. That is how credit card debt works, on some of these cards you can pay forever and never actually pay it down. Actually, if you have a rate that is over 12% and are only making the minimum payments your balance is actually going UP every month!
Well now that I've scared you straight let me show you how to make it stop!!!! I know, it's a tough economy and you may not have the money to just pay them off- if you do that's great- do it! If you don't (like most people) that's okay, here are a few ways to dig yourself out of this hole. Keep in mind this is going to take some dedication and most importantly will power to STOP USING THE CREDIT CARDS!
A: The Snowball (Borrowed from Joseph Sangl's I Was Broke Now I'm Not)
1. List all of your Debts by Balance
2. Pay the minimum on all of your cards EXCEPT the smallest one
3. Pay as mush as you can on the smallest debt until it's paid off.
4. When the smallest debt is paid, take the payment you were making and add it to the next smallest debt. Don't be tempted to use that extra cash and buy a new debt.
5. Continue until DEBT FREE!
B: The Patience Method- For those of you with not much extra money.
Basically in this method you shred those cards! (Don't cancel them- That will actually lower your credit score) Pay as much as you can every penny helps until they are paid off. They will eventually get paid off IF you stop using them!
C. Use your debts to pay your debts!
Look around- do you even remember what you bought with those cards to rack up those balances? A bike you don't use, furniture you've probably outgrown. Sell what you no longer need and use it to pay down those balances. Despite what you have seen all around you- it's ok to downsize! Why live miserably with a ton of things you don't need? Learn to live within your means! I've learned that if I can't afford it I probably didn't need it to begin with!
D: A Penny saved is a penny earned! 'Piggy-Bank'
Designate somewhere to empty your pocket (or wallet) every night. Take all of the cash you have on you or loose change and throw it in. You will not believe how quickly this adds up! I actually use this to pay for Christmas (when credit cards are MOST used) this past Christmas I had $321 in change! That is probably a balance on one of those pesky cards!
E. Bonuses/Unexpected cash, etc.
I know, I know, it so much more fun to take a trip with that tax return or to splurge on something you don't need with that bonus. You probably get more unexpected money than you realize. Remember once you pay off those cards you'll have more free cash every month! So spur on and don't sell your hard work short on a weekend in Vegas.
You can also call your credit card companies and try to negotiate the balances. Keep in mind this will hurt your credit. They also may not be willing to do this if you are current on your account.
Bottom line here: the sooner you decide to be debt free the sooner you will be. Make a choice to stop using those cards, and to pay them off as soon as possible! Make a chart and have fun crossing them off one by one. Decide to stop giving your hard earned money away! Whatever method(s) you chose- stick to it! Your wallet will thank you! :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Credit Cards- YES or NO?
Credit cards have a pretty bad reputation, and for good reason. The average American household owes $15,956 in credit card debt. The average rate on these credit cards is 12.78 percent (Source: Federal Reserve's G.19 report on consumer credit, released January 2012) What does that mean? That means that if you make the minimum payment on these cards it will take you- wait for it... 377 months to pay that off! That's right it will take you over 31 YEARS to pay that off! 31 years- that can't be cheap right?Nope- that equals $16,807 in interest alone!!! Now do you see why I call credit cards the devil?
Even with these figures (as scary as they sound) credit cards do have their upsides. Credit cards, can help you build credit, borrow money for free in some cases, and reap tons of rewards.
So now the real question- to credit card or not to credit card? Here is my answer. Credit card smart- I will show you how! If you use your credit cards correctly you can reap all of the benefits these cards have to offer without ever paying for them. THEY WILL ACTUALLY PAY YOU!
This will be a lot of information for one blog alone so I have decided to split it into several blogs. In the coming days I will teach you:
A: How to get out of credit card debt.
B: Which credit card is right for you
C. To earn money using your credit card
Get excited! :)
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Even with these figures (as scary as they sound) credit cards do have their upsides. Credit cards, can help you build credit, borrow money for free in some cases, and reap tons of rewards.
So now the real question- to credit card or not to credit card? Here is my answer. Credit card smart- I will show you how! If you use your credit cards correctly you can reap all of the benefits these cards have to offer without ever paying for them. THEY WILL ACTUALLY PAY YOU!
This will be a lot of information for one blog alone so I have decided to split it into several blogs. In the coming days I will teach you:
A: How to get out of credit card debt.
B: Which credit card is right for you
C. To earn money using your credit card
Get excited! :)
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Love Dare Part 4
A continuation of the Love Dare! I was way behind so instead of my normal 5 day update here are the last 10!
Day 16 Love Intercedes- begin praying today for your spouse's heart. Pray for three specific areas where you would desire God to work in your spouse's life and your marriage.
Dear Lord, I pray that you would bless my husband beyond measure. I pray that you would keep him safe always, and I pray that you would make him Finally start the Love Dare with me! Amen! :)
Day 17 Love promotes intimacy- Determine to guard your mate's secrets and to pray for them.
Well, if he has any secrets- the book says I can't tell you! Just so you know- he is fine with the fact that I "exploit" him on here because he proof reads the blog for me.
Day 18 Love seeks to understand- Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the 2 of you. Focus on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you've rarely talked about.
Did you read my "About Me" tab?! With so many people in my home this is pretty much impossible! So, Kiohud I owe you!!! I will take you out- I promise!
Day 19 Love is impossible- Look back over the dares from previous days. Were there some that seemed impossible to you?
Ummm.... Well only yesterday's dare!!! If you've ever been to my home, you know that really was impossible!
Day 20 Love is Jesus Christ- Dare to take God at His word. Dare to trust Jesus for your salvation.
Well, as long as I have been saved I have learned- it never hurts to say that sinner's prayer again!
Day 21- Love is satisfied in God- Be intentional today about making time to read your Bible.
Do it! This is looking like a pretty easy week!
Day 22- Love is faithful- Love is not a choice, it is a feeling. It is a initiated action, not a knee-jerk reaction. Chose today to be committed to love even if your spouse has lost most of their interest in receiving it. Say to them today " I love you. Period. I choose to love you even if you don't love me in return.".
Well, I have to tell you this is a really awkward talk to have when there are no problems! I did it anyways- I went into the mancave walked up to him and said " Kiohud, I love you even if you don't love me in return! " and walked out. He probably thought I was having a "girl" moment- do you get it now???
Day 23 Love always Protects- remove anything that is hindering your relationship, any addictions or influence that's stealing your affections and turning your heart away from your spouse.
Addictions? That would have to be either working or the Internet in general- we both have that! I really don't see these to "hinder" our relationship but I could probably stop sleeping with my iPad!!!!
Day 24 Love vs. Lust, end it now. Identify every object of lust in your life and remove it. Single out every lie you've swallowed in pursuing and forbidden pleasure and reject it. Lust cannot be allowed to live in a back bedroom. It must be killed and destroyed- today- and replaced with the sure promises of God and a heart filled with his perfect love.
confession time... I have a stalker, not anyone I would lust after but nonetheless a stalker. Stalker, ( that's what I call him since I don't remember his name) has given me a very creepy letter and randomly finds me- last time I saw him he said oh, I've been hoping I would run into you since I got you a gift... CREEPY!!!! Kiohud knows about him but I had not told about the gift comment because stalker looks to be not all there mentally and I don't want to hurt his feelings. So I had to tell him- and then beg him not hurt the guy or say anything mean to him. One of the hardest love dares yet!!
Day 25 Love forgives- Whatever you haven't forgiven in your mate, forgive it today. Let it go.
In all honesty I don't think I am holding on to any grudges... But I will say this with all of you as my witnesses- Kiohud, if I ever bring up anything from the past remind me that I owe you this dare.
Some of you have asked me does the Love Dare work??? I have to tell you that it's sad to say in 10 years I have not spent this many days in a row focused on my marriage. For me at least, life gets in the way and it is easy to get comfortable. I came to the realization awhile back that you could have good or you could have great, you could have great or you can have incredible- you can always strive for better no matter what you do. That is what I want for my marriage- I wish to never be complacent but to always be the best wife that I can be (that is what Kiohud deserves). While this book does not hold all of the "keys" it does make me focus on being a better wife, so for me I have to say yes it works! :)
Day 16 Love Intercedes- begin praying today for your spouse's heart. Pray for three specific areas where you would desire God to work in your spouse's life and your marriage.
Dear Lord, I pray that you would bless my husband beyond measure. I pray that you would keep him safe always, and I pray that you would make him Finally start the Love Dare with me! Amen! :)
Day 17 Love promotes intimacy- Determine to guard your mate's secrets and to pray for them.
Well, if he has any secrets- the book says I can't tell you! Just so you know- he is fine with the fact that I "exploit" him on here because he proof reads the blog for me.
Day 18 Love seeks to understand- Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the 2 of you. Focus on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you've rarely talked about.
Did you read my "About Me" tab?! With so many people in my home this is pretty much impossible! So, Kiohud I owe you!!! I will take you out- I promise!
Day 19 Love is impossible- Look back over the dares from previous days. Were there some that seemed impossible to you?
Ummm.... Well only yesterday's dare!!! If you've ever been to my home, you know that really was impossible!
Day 20 Love is Jesus Christ- Dare to take God at His word. Dare to trust Jesus for your salvation.
Well, as long as I have been saved I have learned- it never hurts to say that sinner's prayer again!
Day 21- Love is satisfied in God- Be intentional today about making time to read your Bible.
Do it! This is looking like a pretty easy week!
Day 22- Love is faithful- Love is not a choice, it is a feeling. It is a initiated action, not a knee-jerk reaction. Chose today to be committed to love even if your spouse has lost most of their interest in receiving it. Say to them today " I love you. Period. I choose to love you even if you don't love me in return.".
Well, I have to tell you this is a really awkward talk to have when there are no problems! I did it anyways- I went into the mancave walked up to him and said " Kiohud, I love you even if you don't love me in return! " and walked out. He probably thought I was having a "girl" moment- do you get it now???
Day 23 Love always Protects- remove anything that is hindering your relationship, any addictions or influence that's stealing your affections and turning your heart away from your spouse.
Addictions? That would have to be either working or the Internet in general- we both have that! I really don't see these to "hinder" our relationship but I could probably stop sleeping with my iPad!!!!
Day 24 Love vs. Lust, end it now. Identify every object of lust in your life and remove it. Single out every lie you've swallowed in pursuing and forbidden pleasure and reject it. Lust cannot be allowed to live in a back bedroom. It must be killed and destroyed- today- and replaced with the sure promises of God and a heart filled with his perfect love.
confession time... I have a stalker, not anyone I would lust after but nonetheless a stalker. Stalker, ( that's what I call him since I don't remember his name) has given me a very creepy letter and randomly finds me- last time I saw him he said oh, I've been hoping I would run into you since I got you a gift... CREEPY!!!! Kiohud knows about him but I had not told about the gift comment because stalker looks to be not all there mentally and I don't want to hurt his feelings. So I had to tell him- and then beg him not hurt the guy or say anything mean to him. One of the hardest love dares yet!!
Day 25 Love forgives- Whatever you haven't forgiven in your mate, forgive it today. Let it go.
In all honesty I don't think I am holding on to any grudges... But I will say this with all of you as my witnesses- Kiohud, if I ever bring up anything from the past remind me that I owe you this dare.
Some of you have asked me does the Love Dare work??? I have to tell you that it's sad to say in 10 years I have not spent this many days in a row focused on my marriage. For me at least, life gets in the way and it is easy to get comfortable. I came to the realization awhile back that you could have good or you could have great, you could have great or you can have incredible- you can always strive for better no matter what you do. That is what I want for my marriage- I wish to never be complacent but to always be the best wife that I can be (that is what Kiohud deserves). While this book does not hold all of the "keys" it does make me focus on being a better wife, so for me I have to say yes it works! :)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I'm Back!
Ok, so this week I have been the world's worst blogger! I have had an extremely busy week, if you are friends with me on Facebook you have seen the tons of pictures I have posted. In anticipation for the events I had going on this weekend I became totally unsocial and crammed my weeks worth of work into 4 days. Also, I have been waiting for my great-nephew to be born and praying that he would not arrive when I had all of these other events planned! (I am pretty sure he will be arriving today!)
Friday: I am a member of the Grace Walk Community Church worship team. For all of you thinking "when did that happen- I didn't know she sang" I actually started singing when I was about 5 years old! Born to a mariachi (this will probably be the first and last time you hear me speak of my father) I was introduced to music very early on. In life, there are not many things we are certain of- this but this is one thing that I know I was called to do. From very early on I had a love of music. Music is my outlet, my passion- I love to praise! My kids will tell you in our home we sing to and about everything! They have learned almost EVERYTHING in song form- luckily they love it as much as I do so it doesn't drive them nuts! Anyways, our team was invited to open for the post- Sun's game Faith and Family Night Concert at US Airways it was an amazing honor. This is one of the most talented group of people I have ever had the honor to serve with I am an constantly humbled to be part of such an amazing team!
Saturday: To be totally honest- I was more excited about Saturday than I was Friday. With not much sleep from the day before, I woke up early and excited. Our church was holding our annual event for Arizona's foster children at Encanto Park. This event was amazing! The children walked in to the park and were greeted by Grace Walk's happiest faces! (I was in charge of this team so I had to throw that in!) After signing in they were given a red wrist band that gave them access to unlimited rides all at no charge to their families. We had tons of food (provided by Macayos and Nathan's hot dogs), snow cones from Jacob's Well, a zip line, game bus, inflatables, water slide, table games, rock wall, giant hamster balls, a petting zoo, face painting, live music, and they had access to all of the rides at Enchanted Island at Encanto Park. In attendance were, the Phoenix Sun's Gorilla, some of the ASU football players, GCU, Councilman Michael Nowakowski, Phoenix Fire and Police Departments, and the ARMY- I know there were so many other business and people involved but I can't remember everyone- I'm sorry! I wish I could show you the looks on the faces of those children (for security reasons we could not take any pictures of the children) they had so much joy! As I walked around taking pictures I was so proud of all that my church had done, those kids had a wonderful day!
I arrived home utterly exhausted! I still feel somewhat "fried" but it was worth it! That has been my weekend so far- today I am waiting for my great-nephew to arrive. I know my sister would have been on pins and needles waiting to see her first grandson! Hurry up Elias- the world is ready to meet you! :)
P.S. First give-away winner was Jessica Juice! Congrats Jessica- hope you enjoy your new Kate Spade IPhone Case!
Friday: I am a member of the Grace Walk Community Church worship team. For all of you thinking "when did that happen- I didn't know she sang" I actually started singing when I was about 5 years old! Born to a mariachi (this will probably be the first and last time you hear me speak of my father) I was introduced to music very early on. In life, there are not many things we are certain of- this but this is one thing that I know I was called to do. From very early on I had a love of music. Music is my outlet, my passion- I love to praise! My kids will tell you in our home we sing to and about everything! They have learned almost EVERYTHING in song form- luckily they love it as much as I do so it doesn't drive them nuts! Anyways, our team was invited to open for the post- Sun's game Faith and Family Night Concert at US Airways it was an amazing honor. This is one of the most talented group of people I have ever had the honor to serve with I am an constantly humbled to be part of such an amazing team!
![]() |
Pre-Game Meeting |
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Right Before Performance |
Saturday: To be totally honest- I was more excited about Saturday than I was Friday. With not much sleep from the day before, I woke up early and excited. Our church was holding our annual event for Arizona's foster children at Encanto Park. This event was amazing! The children walked in to the park and were greeted by Grace Walk's happiest faces! (I was in charge of this team so I had to throw that in!) After signing in they were given a red wrist band that gave them access to unlimited rides all at no charge to their families. We had tons of food (provided by Macayos and Nathan's hot dogs), snow cones from Jacob's Well, a zip line, game bus, inflatables, water slide, table games, rock wall, giant hamster balls, a petting zoo, face painting, live music, and they had access to all of the rides at Enchanted Island at Encanto Park. In attendance were, the Phoenix Sun's Gorilla, some of the ASU football players, GCU, Councilman Michael Nowakowski, Phoenix Fire and Police Departments, and the ARMY- I know there were so many other business and people involved but I can't remember everyone- I'm sorry! I wish I could show you the looks on the faces of those children (for security reasons we could not take any pictures of the children) they had so much joy! As I walked around taking pictures I was so proud of all that my church had done, those kids had a wonderful day!
Ready for Duty with some of my greeters! |
A Sea of red Grace Walk's Awesome Volunteers! |
My "Sticker Patrol" |
Families were blessed with clothing by Clothes for Keeps |
One of many inflatables |
I arrived home utterly exhausted! I still feel somewhat "fried" but it was worth it! That has been my weekend so far- today I am waiting for my great-nephew to arrive. I know my sister would have been on pins and needles waiting to see her first grandson! Hurry up Elias- the world is ready to meet you! :)
P.S. First give-away winner was Jessica Juice! Congrats Jessica- hope you enjoy your new Kate Spade IPhone Case!
Monday, March 12, 2012
IRAs Explained
There are a few types of ways to invest for your retirement- I will go through them in a few blogs to simplify it. Today I will be going over Individual IRAs.
Traditional IRA: This is most basic IRA, if you are younger than 70 1/2 you can contribute to this type of account. You can contribute the same amount as your taxable income up to $5000 per year, this amount increases to $6000 if you are over 50. Biggest advantage of this account is that your contributions are tax-deductible. This does not mean that you don't have to pay taxes on this simply that the tax is deferred until you make withdrawals. Early withdrawals from this type of account usually have a 10% penalty. You have the option to start withdrawing from this account at 59 1/2 but have to withdrawal at 70 1/2.
Roth IRA: Unlike the traditional IRA the contributions to your Roth IRA are not tax deductible. Why is this a good thing? This is a good thing because this is the only taxes you will have to pay on this amount. You will not pay anything on your earning accumulated over the years! This has a potential to save you a TON of money! This account also does not have an age requirement where you have to withdrawal from, so many people use this as a way to pass on money to their families. If you do however decide to withdrawal from this account and are younger than 59 1/2 than you will have to pay additional tax plus the 10% penalty (probably not worth it!)
I will note that on both of these accounts you have the flexibility to chose your own investments- stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.
Self Directed IRA: This account is more of a non-traditional account. It has the same basic rules of the traditional IRA but it allows you to make more "sophisticated" investments such as mortgages, businesses, precious metals, or real estate.
What would I recommend? It all depends on personal preference. Personally, I have a Roth IRA- you pay the money up front but this can save you lots, and lots of money. Imagine your 20,000 grows into 100,000 which amount would you rather pay taxes on? After getting a lot of scary statements telling me that I was losing my retirement (as I am sure is the case for many of you) I switched to a guaranteed account with ING. This allows my account to grow and no matter what the market does I am guaranteed at least a 6% return of course this can be more if the market goes up.
Hope this helps! Remember- plan for your future today! :)
Traditional IRA: This is most basic IRA, if you are younger than 70 1/2 you can contribute to this type of account. You can contribute the same amount as your taxable income up to $5000 per year, this amount increases to $6000 if you are over 50. Biggest advantage of this account is that your contributions are tax-deductible. This does not mean that you don't have to pay taxes on this simply that the tax is deferred until you make withdrawals. Early withdrawals from this type of account usually have a 10% penalty. You have the option to start withdrawing from this account at 59 1/2 but have to withdrawal at 70 1/2.
Roth IRA: Unlike the traditional IRA the contributions to your Roth IRA are not tax deductible. Why is this a good thing? This is a good thing because this is the only taxes you will have to pay on this amount. You will not pay anything on your earning accumulated over the years! This has a potential to save you a TON of money! This account also does not have an age requirement where you have to withdrawal from, so many people use this as a way to pass on money to their families. If you do however decide to withdrawal from this account and are younger than 59 1/2 than you will have to pay additional tax plus the 10% penalty (probably not worth it!)
I will note that on both of these accounts you have the flexibility to chose your own investments- stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.
Self Directed IRA: This account is more of a non-traditional account. It has the same basic rules of the traditional IRA but it allows you to make more "sophisticated" investments such as mortgages, businesses, precious metals, or real estate.
What would I recommend? It all depends on personal preference. Personally, I have a Roth IRA- you pay the money up front but this can save you lots, and lots of money. Imagine your 20,000 grows into 100,000 which amount would you rather pay taxes on? After getting a lot of scary statements telling me that I was losing my retirement (as I am sure is the case for many of you) I switched to a guaranteed account with ING. This allows my account to grow and no matter what the market does I am guaranteed at least a 6% return of course this can be more if the market goes up.
Hope this helps! Remember- plan for your future today! :)
Friday, March 9, 2012
Don't Do This!!!
Okay, so some of you have heard of my horror that is my receipt drawer that I had to eventually turn into a cabinet... Well, with tax day around the corner today I faced my worst fear and separated my receipts. I must warn you this is not for the faint of heart I feel like there should be some kind of disclosure here like look at these pics at your own risk and please don't judge me based off of them!
Here is what my cabinet looked like this morning...
One of the biggest benefits to having a business is the ability to write many things off- a tax shelter if you will. The biggest downfall- you HAVE to be organized. I promised myself at the beginning of last year that I would not do this to myself, but here I am... :( I made that promise again today so hopefully I can be more organized this year. So my plan went like this:
I bought all of these containers to separate by month.
Next, Kiohud and I separated and separated- it took at least a few hours to do this.
I am one step closer to my goal everything is at least separated my month! Next step enter everything into QuickBooks- for this I need some serious help so I bought this.
It's a device called NeatReceipts. You hook it up to your computer- it scans every receipt, enters it into QuickBooks for you and then saves a digital copy- an accountant's dream. Does it work? I haven't got that far yet- but I'll let you know!!! If this doesn't work- you may not see me until April... Wish me luck and pray for me please!!! :)
Here is what my cabinet looked like this morning...
One of the biggest benefits to having a business is the ability to write many things off- a tax shelter if you will. The biggest downfall- you HAVE to be organized. I promised myself at the beginning of last year that I would not do this to myself, but here I am... :( I made that promise again today so hopefully I can be more organized this year. So my plan went like this:
I bought all of these containers to separate by month.
I am one step closer to my goal everything is at least separated my month! Next step enter everything into QuickBooks- for this I need some serious help so I bought this.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Spring Cleaning!
Today we did some spring cleaning- I hired some "free labor"...
And since we did such a great job cleaning- Kiohud made us dinner... :)
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
My World of Potty Training...
With Hannah starting preschool in the fall we figured we better get started on potty training. As a parent of 3 I can tell you that potty training is one of my least favorite of the parenting jobs. There are some people in this world that are gifted in the area of potty training I just don't happen to be one of them!
I have come to the conclusion though that at some point EVERYONE gets potty trained so I just don't stress about it. (Kiohud disagrees and says I've never seen some of his patients, apparently some never learn to make it to the toilet- but I think that's a whole different subject!)
Last week we started potty training Hannah. I figured we'd do the let her run around commando and bribe her with a piece of candy method. I honestly can't remember how we did it with Emily, but this method worked for Jacob. We had a few accidents but Hannah seems to be waaayyy easier than the other 2! I did allow both her and Jacob to get a piece every time she went and this seemed to be the charm. Every time Jacob has a sweet tooth (which is pretty often since we usually don't give them much candy) he will go and say "Hannah, I think you have to go potty now". The other day I asked him Jacob how come you get a piece of candy and Hannah is the one doing all the work- she's the one going potty." Jacob replied "Mom, I think I deserve a piece of candy too." took his piece and walked away. I thought that was pretty funny because he actually has helped in this process I just didn't think a 4 year old would figure that out!
Today was our first pull-up free day!!!!!!! I am so excited. We even went out and I asked her "Are you sure you don't want a pull-up?" She said she didn't so off we went. I packed extra clothes just in case but to my surprise she came home dry! I do have to mention that she does know how to work it and will sometimes request to sit on the potty even if she doesn't have to go just to get a candy out of it! So, it seems as if our diaper days have come to an end at least for the time being anyways.... :)
I have come to the conclusion though that at some point EVERYONE gets potty trained so I just don't stress about it. (Kiohud disagrees and says I've never seen some of his patients, apparently some never learn to make it to the toilet- but I think that's a whole different subject!)
Last week we started potty training Hannah. I figured we'd do the let her run around commando and bribe her with a piece of candy method. I honestly can't remember how we did it with Emily, but this method worked for Jacob. We had a few accidents but Hannah seems to be waaayyy easier than the other 2! I did allow both her and Jacob to get a piece every time she went and this seemed to be the charm. Every time Jacob has a sweet tooth (which is pretty often since we usually don't give them much candy) he will go and say "Hannah, I think you have to go potty now". The other day I asked him Jacob how come you get a piece of candy and Hannah is the one doing all the work- she's the one going potty." Jacob replied "Mom, I think I deserve a piece of candy too." took his piece and walked away. I thought that was pretty funny because he actually has helped in this process I just didn't think a 4 year old would figure that out!
Today was our first pull-up free day!!!!!!! I am so excited. We even went out and I asked her "Are you sure you don't want a pull-up?" She said she didn't so off we went. I packed extra clothes just in case but to my surprise she came home dry! I do have to mention that she does know how to work it and will sometimes request to sit on the potty even if she doesn't have to go just to get a candy out of it! So, it seems as if our diaper days have come to an end at least for the time being anyways.... :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Love Dare Part 3
This took a really long time! Kiohud has been gone working a lot these days but FINALLY here we go:
A continuation to The Love Dare Part 1 and The Love Dare Part 2, here is how days 11-15 went... :)
Day 11: Love Cherishes- What need does your spouse have that you could meet today? Can you run and errand? Help With housework? Chose a gesture that says I cherish you and do it with a smile. Well, I have to admit this took me almost all week to accomplish! I am running low on "good deeds here" (If any of you have suggestions by all means help me out! Anyways, what I finally did was Kiohud brought home his list for groceries for the fire station and I went out and bought everything for him. Again, no big deal I did go out of my way to go shopping but I love getting out so it didn't take much effort on my part. Kiohud HATES shopping so I thought this would make his life easier and save him some time.
Day 12: Love lets the other win- Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give into an area of disagreement between you and your spouse. Tell them you are putting their preference first. Well, this day I have not yet been able to accomplish. Kiohud and I rarely disagree, if you read The Story of US you know that we fought way too much in our early years and pretty much got it out of our systems. Plus Kiohud is gone enough that we both have our personal space and miss each other when he is gone and are happy to see each other when he is home so we fight less. So I am saving this for one day when we do disagree over something...
Day 13: Love Fights Fair- Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement. Here is what we came up with:
1. "No touching of the hair or face."
2. No mention of divorce.
3. No arguing or putting each other down in front of anyone especially our children.
4. Respect each other's answers.
5. No yelling.
Day 14: Love Takes Delight- Purposely neglect an activity that you would normally do and spent time with your spouse. Just be together. After the kids go to bed I "catch up" on anything that needs to be done. One night I should have been putting laundry away instead I went downstairs and hung out with Kiohud in the man cave instead. I usually do this anyways but this time I went in a little earlier so that we could "hang out". I'm not sure if he appreciated this or not since he likes working in there undistracted, but I tried.
Day 15: Chose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine. Show your spouse that he is highly esteemed in your eyes. Ok, so this chapter actually hit me pretty hard. I was convicted as soon as they said focus on what your spouse is saying. I always listen but I don't always focus, I am usually working or typing away while I talk to anyone. What I am trying really hard to do is when Kiohud talks to me I stop typing and look at him so that he is my main focus not my work! You might think this is no big deal but I am ALWAYS on my computer, even if my "working hours" are over my laptop is open on the counter.
So this week was a little harder mostly because Kiohud was gone but also because on days where I am supposed to do something nice, I am running out of ideas! It is sad though when I realize how little we focus on our spouse. I probably would not have done many of these things if the book hadn't told me too! I really feel like all of this focus is strengthening our relationship. As for Kiohud's progress well, if he ever starts I will let you know. He did redeem himself on my birthday with a very awesome IPad ( my not so subtle hints helped) and an AMAZING dinner and my favorite spot The Melting Pot. Thank You Kiohud!
On a totally different note: Have you noticed all of the Amazon links on my site? Well, in case you haven't figured it out my new affiliate is Amazon! First giveaway will be held on March 17 via Random.org and will be for your choice of a Kate Spade IPhone 4 case (black and white Polka dots) valued at $48 or Urbanerars Medis Ear Buds valued at $50. I will try to post some pics soon! To be included in this drawing become a "Member" by clicking on the Join this Site tab on the top left. Thank you Amazon for helping make this possible! Good Luck my friends! :)
A continuation to The Love Dare Part 1 and The Love Dare Part 2, here is how days 11-15 went... :)
Day 11: Love Cherishes- What need does your spouse have that you could meet today? Can you run and errand? Help With housework? Chose a gesture that says I cherish you and do it with a smile. Well, I have to admit this took me almost all week to accomplish! I am running low on "good deeds here" (If any of you have suggestions by all means help me out! Anyways, what I finally did was Kiohud brought home his list for groceries for the fire station and I went out and bought everything for him. Again, no big deal I did go out of my way to go shopping but I love getting out so it didn't take much effort on my part. Kiohud HATES shopping so I thought this would make his life easier and save him some time.
Day 12: Love lets the other win- Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give into an area of disagreement between you and your spouse. Tell them you are putting their preference first. Well, this day I have not yet been able to accomplish. Kiohud and I rarely disagree, if you read The Story of US you know that we fought way too much in our early years and pretty much got it out of our systems. Plus Kiohud is gone enough that we both have our personal space and miss each other when he is gone and are happy to see each other when he is home so we fight less. So I am saving this for one day when we do disagree over something...
Day 13: Love Fights Fair- Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement. Here is what we came up with:
1. "No touching of the hair or face."
2. No mention of divorce.
3. No arguing or putting each other down in front of anyone especially our children.
4. Respect each other's answers.
5. No yelling.
Day 14: Love Takes Delight- Purposely neglect an activity that you would normally do and spent time with your spouse. Just be together. After the kids go to bed I "catch up" on anything that needs to be done. One night I should have been putting laundry away instead I went downstairs and hung out with Kiohud in the man cave instead. I usually do this anyways but this time I went in a little earlier so that we could "hang out". I'm not sure if he appreciated this or not since he likes working in there undistracted, but I tried.
Day 15: Chose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine. Show your spouse that he is highly esteemed in your eyes. Ok, so this chapter actually hit me pretty hard. I was convicted as soon as they said focus on what your spouse is saying. I always listen but I don't always focus, I am usually working or typing away while I talk to anyone. What I am trying really hard to do is when Kiohud talks to me I stop typing and look at him so that he is my main focus not my work! You might think this is no big deal but I am ALWAYS on my computer, even if my "working hours" are over my laptop is open on the counter.
So this week was a little harder mostly because Kiohud was gone but also because on days where I am supposed to do something nice, I am running out of ideas! It is sad though when I realize how little we focus on our spouse. I probably would not have done many of these things if the book hadn't told me too! I really feel like all of this focus is strengthening our relationship. As for Kiohud's progress well, if he ever starts I will let you know. He did redeem himself on my birthday with a very awesome IPad ( my not so subtle hints helped) and an AMAZING dinner and my favorite spot The Melting Pot. Thank You Kiohud!
On a totally different note: Have you noticed all of the Amazon links on my site? Well, in case you haven't figured it out my new affiliate is Amazon! First giveaway will be held on March 17 via Random.org and will be for your choice of a Kate Spade IPhone 4 case (black and white Polka dots) valued at $48 or Urbanerars Medis Ear Buds valued at $50. I will try to post some pics soon! To be included in this drawing become a "Member" by clicking on the Join this Site tab on the top left. Thank you Amazon for helping make this possible! Good Luck my friends! :)
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