Monday, February 20, 2012

The Love Dare Part 2

As promised- here is a continuation to The Love Dare Part 1. For those of you who did not read how my first 5 of the 40 day challenge went click  HERE to catch up! This is how days 6-10 went... :)

Day 6: Love is not irritable- Choose today to react to tough circumstances in your marriage in loving ways instead of with irritation. Make a list of areas where you need a margin to your schedule. Then list any wrong motivations that you need to release from your life. Basically for me this boils down to me overworking... If you don't know me that well I have to admit that I am a bit of a work-a-holic! I am constantly checking emails or doing something work related so if we are ever having a conversation and I have my Iphone in hand and don't look like I am totally paying attention- chances are I am not! (I am sorry- this is a terrible habit!) I have decided to give my self a "cut off time" so I work until 3 and then if I have any work left over I can do it after the kids to bed. This way I am not the totally irritated mom/wife because I am juggling work, dinner, homework, cleaning, and anything else that has to be done!

Day 7: Love believes the best- For today's dare get 2 sheets of paper. On the first write positive things about your spouse on the second negative things. Place both sheets in a secret place for another day. There is a different purpose for each. At some point during the day pick out a positive attribute from the list and thank your spouse for having that characteristic. Well, I have to admit I didn't actually get 2 sheets of paper. I typed my list on my Iphone hoping Kiohud didn't look and wonder why he has a "pros and cons list"! At some point during that day I interrupted my chaotic work to go into his office (the next room) and tell him how much I appreciated him and the fact that he was so good at taking care of us... :)

Day 8: Love is not jealous-Determine to become your spouses biggest fan and reject any thoughts of jealousy. Take yesterday's "negative list" and discreetly burn it. Then share with your spouse how glad you are about a success he has recently enjoyed. Well, writing the list on my Iphone wasn't such a great idea! Not that Kiohud would have agreed to have an open flame but it probably would have had more of a dramatic affect then just hitting the little trash can! I am totally Kiohud's biggest fan! I am so proud of him and all that I have seen him accomplish- if Kiohud can dream it he will do it and it is fun to watch. Jealousy? Honestly, sometimes it's hard having a husband who is a "10" at everything but he also helps motivate me and always believes in me. I complimented him on his recent music endeavor- if you want to see his new page click HERE although he hasn't "officially" launched this page yet (so hopefully I don't get in trouble for posting it) I am so proud of him!

Day 9: Love makes good impressions- Think of a specific way you'd like to greet your spouse today. Do it with a smile and enthusiasm. Then determine to change your greeting to reflect your love for them. This I am totally guilty of! Kiohud walks in and half of the time I am busy at work and barely glance up say hello and then go on to typing or I'm on the phone and wave hello- even worse! I read in another book (I don't remember which) that you should greet your spouse before anyone else when you get home. This prioritizes your marriage and will even teaches your children that they should prioritize theirs if they see this done on a regular basis. Well, this is a little hard since whenever I get home 3 kids attack me. So, I have made an extra effort to say "Hold on guys" walk over to Kiohud, kiss him hello, and then say okay, NOW it's your turn. And when Kiohud gets home I drop whatever I am doing to greet him and ask him how whatever went. This took extra work on my part!

Day 10: Love is unconditional- Do something out of the ordinary for your spouse- something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on choice and nothing else. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage. Good thing Kiohud worked overtime on the day I was initially supposed to do this because I had no clue what I was going to do! Then I thought instead of one big thing maybe I could do a bunch of little things so first I went out of my way to pick up some things he had been needing for a project he is working on. Then I realized he had one of those nights full of calls and didn't get much sleep so I had him take a nap while I made dinner and I cleaned his "man cave" he slept pretty well since I even had the carpet professionally cleaned and he managed to sleep through that. Then after dinner I took out the trash and fed the dog- both usually his jobs. Oh yeah, and I also crushed all of the cans in the "recycle" pile. All little things, honestly nothing took too much effort but I hope this made his day off a little easier.

And that was the week! I am really enjoying this book. It has made me see that little things can make a big difference! Oh and if you are wondering about Kiohud's progress... well, he is still trying to get started on Day1! :(

Stay tuned to see how the next 5 days go!

P.S. I have great news! I picked up a sponser "to be announced at a later date".  What does that mean for you? As soon as I have more "followers" (people that subscribe not just read) I can start doing give-aways (like gift cards or merchandise)! So, sign up on my home page where it says "Join this site with google friend connect" to be entered into drawings coming soon! :)

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