Monday, February 27, 2012

The Do's and Don'ts of Interviews

So you finally landed that interview you have been waiting for- here are some tips on how to get that job!


Do be on time!!!- There is nothing more unprofessional than arriving late to an interview. If possible drive there the day before and figure out exactly where you are headed. Try to arrive about 15 minutes early.

Do wear a suit- It is so important to have a suit that you feel great in- ladies this goes for you as well! A suit demands attention- and it will give you the confidence you need to get through the interview. Some tips on the suit- 1. Get it tailored. For a suit to look good it has to fit properly so spend the extra money to make it fit you perfect- you will not regret it! 2. Try it out- There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable in an outfit so wear it around- get acquainted with your suit. Wear it out to the store and you will notice how much attention and respect one suit can give! Go ahead, order some people around and see how they respond!

Do bring a resume- limit it to one page with only important information. No one reads more than 1 page! Truth be told, if it's 3 or 4 pages it will probably get thrown out before you even land the interview. And remember only pertinent information- no one is going to be impressed that you can use Internet Explorer or a calculator! (trust me I have seen this on way too many resumes..and trashed way too many resumes because of these special skills) Don't forget to bring multiple copies in case you are interviewed by a panel.

Do bring copies of any pertinent certifications- This will avoid the back and forth when you do land the job. File them neatly in a portfolio along with your resume.

Do research the company- know about the company, some of it's history. You want to know who you will be working for, you may be asked some general questions. Think of it as a pop quiz, you don't want one of these questions to spoil your chances.

Do be professional to EVERYONE- You never know who has input! I had an interview once where my secretary was out of the office so I seated the applicant myself, as he sat down he says "I am so nervous- who is going to interview me- are they mean?" I had to explain to him- "that would be me"-..needless to say, he did not land this job.

Do smile, stay calm, and make eye contact- I know this can be hard if you are nervous but you are there for a reason- they already liked you application!


Don't talk to much- it's okay to elaborate on your answers when asked but don't drag your answers out.

Don't lie- Everything will be referenced and that "little white lie" could cost you the job. Be honest and if there are any "blemishes" on your work history be honest about them.

Don't bad mouth your previous employer- even if they were totally awful! Do not give any negative comments and try to talk about everything with a positive attitude. No one wants to work with "the pessimist"!

Don't interrupt- listen to the question completely and then answer. Like I tell Emily- It is impossible to listen and talk at the same time!

Don't send the wrong signals- Remeber communication is primarily via body language. Don't fidget, know your nervous quirks and avoid them.

Don't Flirt with the interviewer! need me to explain this?

Don't stress- You have what they are looking for they are just double checking. And if you don't get this job- God has something better in store for you!

Hope this helps- Good luck my friends! :)

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